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Tiverton Trail Hunt Drone Monitors

The People of Tiverton have spoken. They do not want Trail Hunts in our Town, They do not want Tivertons name used in cruelty and blood lust. They dont want more wildlife, pets, stock animals or hunt animals to be tortured, murdered or injured for Sport.


Tiverton Trail Hunt Drone Monitors is dedicated to legally protecting and preserving the wildlife in and around Tiverton, and ensuring the law is applied to all parties without abuse of power by wealth, threat or intimidation. Our approach involves actively monitoring and deterring any activities that pose a threat to the local wildlife or the public, whilst ensuring their safety and the safety of those monitoring, stock and pets too.


Our aim is to work as closely as possible with the police, we request their training and advise so we can support them in any way possible to aid in the conviction of any illegal actions that are witnessed and evidenced.

We are committed to creating a safe and harmonious environment for all living creatures, in line with the wishes of the Tiverton community.

We all live in a world surrounded by CCTV, with cameras on every street, building and even doorbell. If you are acting legally, you have no reason to be concernd or to obstruct or interfer with such. Any attempt to interfer with monitors is simply an admition of intent to break the law.


We are grateful for the support of organizations and individuals who share our vision for a cruelty-free and sustainable coexistence with nature. Our supporters play a crucial role in empowering our efforts to safeguard the wildlife of Tiverton and its surrounding areas.

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