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At Tiverton Trail Hunt Drone Monitors, we are dedicated to ensuring lawful protection the wildlife and ensuring the safety of all animals property and public. Our initiatives focus on community conservation, preventing wildlife crime, training of law and legal recording and monitoring. Promoting education about wildlife, habitat restoration, and developing environmental policies that prioritize the well-being of all nature. Which in turn, will also bring long term benefit to the human race.

To do that we need your help.

Inform us of 
Hunt movement

Tell us Hunts can't use your land

Let us Monitor from your land

If you see hunt vehicles, horseboxes or vehicles full of hounds moving. Or see a hunt forming or in action. Let us know!

We can then mobalise a team to ensure the law is being honoured, a trail is layed and is followed, without worry to stock or wildlife. Or record and report otherwise.

The Law makes clear, It is illegal to hunt on someone elses land witout express written permission. It is also illegal to allow hunting with dogs on your land. Tell hunts and us that they are not welcome on your land. This aids us in informing the police of trespass and illegal hunting swiftly.

Tell us in writing that our monitors are safe and free to monitor from your land. We dont need to run riot, or cause damage. We just need a signal line to our drone, and permission to launch if we do that from on your land.

Become a drone pilot.

Become a member of support crew


Volenteer to train and become one of our skilled pilots. Checks will be done on anyone asking to join for the safety of our dedicated team.

Our monitors have people with them to film any attempts to interfer with them or our drones or other equipment. Our Website, Call lines and Chat service all need crew. Could that be you? Checks will be done on anyone asking to join for the safety of our dedicated team.

Any financial support is appreciated.

Help us buy and maintain equipment and cover expences for all the travel involved. 

Inform us of 
property damage

Inform of road obstruction

Inform us of illegal vehicles use 

Ensure we and the police are aware of damage caused by Hunts, like everyone else they should have to pay to repair any damage, to property stock or crops.

Inform us of vehicles horses or Dogs on Roads causing a hazard or obstruction, with photos if possible.

Quads without numberplates, riden without helmets, or with passengers. Carrying dogs or bagged foxes. Vehicle not road worthy, No Tax , No MOT

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